If you need to undergo a hip replacement surgery, consider the fact that within some days post the surgery, you will be able to walk with the help of a walker or crutches. However, activities such as bathing, cooking etc. will take some time for you to resume back to normalcy.  

Best ways to prepare yourself

It is advisable that you consult only the best orthopedic surgeons for your hip replacement. They will tell you how to prepare for it. If you are taking any medicines on a regular basis, inform your surgeon about them and ask whether you need to stop them. Those who are overweight may also need to lose some weight before their surgery to minimize the risks associated with the hip replacement and also to reduce pressure on the new hip joint. 

After the Replacement 

You will need assistance to perform your day-to-day tasks. This should not be a problem for those who live with their families,  but if you live alone, you should move in to an extended care facility for a smoother recovery. Your surgeon can arrange such a facility for you. If you will stay at your home, arrange for some modifications to be made to its interiors such as:

•        Fix handrails or safety bars in your bathroom and shower 
•        The same applies for the staircases of your home 
•        A sturdy chair with 2 arms, a strong back, and a firm cushion
•        A firm shower chair 
•        No rug/loose carpet/electrical wires on the floor 

Immediately after your hip replacement surgery, doctors will give you pain relieving drugs and antibiotics. If your blood clots, you will be provided medicines to prevent the clotting. During the recovery period, you will have to perform some exercises regularly such as muscle stretching and muscle strengthening around the hip joint. If you maintain your exercise routine along with your daily activities, within 6 months you will be living life normally. However, you are advised not to take part in extreme activities like skiing or running. 

Why go to experienced orthopedic surgeons?

You should always consult fellowship-trained best orthopedic surgeons who have been practicing for more than a decade. This is because these surgeons are highly skilled at surgical techniques that would minimize risks and complications during your surgery and ensure a better result as well as quicker recovery. Such surgeons are the only people who can give you a painless life. They are trusted by millions all over the world.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical care or medical advice and is not a replacement for medical care given by your physicians or trained medical personnel.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2012

